Dear Lincoln Middle School Community,
It’s officially fall and we have had two months of school completed already. During that time, we’ve had opportunities to celebrate learning, citizenship and attendance in our grade levels, earn Lincoln Bucks to visit the school store, join clubs and sports and engage in team building experiences with our partners, Rippleffect.
Dear Lincoln Middle School Community,
We are through with our first week of school and it has been awesome! I’ve seen our 6th graders adjust to middle school life positively and I anticipate that they will create and form new relationships fairly quickly. As adults, let's continue to support them in this transition. 7th and 8th graders have definitely grown over the summer and are being great role models for our younger students. I am so proud of them!
Dear Lincoln Middle School Community,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Ms. Kastle and I are excited to meet all the new faces that will be learning and engaging in our community, and to see all of our returning Lincoln Lions!
Lincoln Community,
Happy Spring! We are officially 2/3 into our school year and it has been a great year. I continue to hear positive reviews about our community and my hope is that it continues to be that way. We are so grateful for how far this community has moved and where it is heading.
Lincoln Community,
Another month of school has passed by and we are officially halfway through November. While October brought challenging moments to our broader community, I am also recognizing that this community is stronger than it's been. We continue to come together during difficult moments and the words "Belong. Become. Be Proud" feel even more palpable.
Lincoln Community,
We have officially completed our first month of school and it feels like a big success! I am seeing more smiling faces in school and feeling excitement in the air.