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High School for Future Listen/Learn Update

Here's a message from Pamela Otunnu Thomsen, PPS Director of Secondary Innovation and Outcomes, on our recent High School for the Future Listen and Learn community engagement events. Read on to learn more information and watch the final Nov. 6 virtual Listen and Learn session for PPS parents and community members on YouTube:

High School for Future Listen and Learn Update

Dear Portland Public Schools Community,

We want to thank everyone who joined us for our recent High School for the Future Listen and Learn community engagement events. These sessions provided an opportunity to share updates on our strategic plan and elaborate on the steps we’re taking to re-envision the high school experience, with a focus on strengthening academics and enhancing career and technical education pathways.

To truly enhance the high school experience, we are reimagining how we collaborate with our valued stakeholders—including employers, higher education institutions, community partners, and families. Over the past several weeks, we held six Listen and Learn sessions for various groups: our Family Partners Advisory Committee, PPS families and residents, multilingual families (with interpretation provided), PPS staff, community partners, and local business leaders. Together, we are striving to build a high school experience that equips our students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

For those who couldn’t join us, here's the slide deck from these sessions. Additionally, here is a recording of our final Nov. 6 virtual Listen and Learn session for PPS parents and community members , which can help you learn more about the High School for the Future vision guiding our efforts.

Looking ahead, we will host another series of sessions in late winter/early spring to keep our community updated and gather further input as we shape a high school experience that aligns with our Portrait of a Graduate and Portrait of a School Community. We look forward to your continued engagement and partnership as we work to bring this vision to life.

Thank you once again for your support and commitment to our students’ future.

Pamela Otunnu Thomsen
Director of Secondary Innovation and Outcomes
Portland Public Schools