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Traditions & Experiences


Each year, every grade level at Lincoln participates in outdoor learning and leadership programming with Rippleffect. There, students explore and experience relationships between learning and risk taking, feeling supported and offering support to others, working independently and bringing one’s best intentions and energy to the community. These programs take place in a range of locations depending on the grade level, including Cow Island in Casco Bay and the Baxter Woods. The program is a natural fit with our Habits of Work and Learning (HOWLs) and Lion’s Pride curriculum. Students are challenged physically, intellectually and emotionally. The experience is a life changing event for many of our students, and translates into all aspects of learning at Lincoln.

Sustainability Science/Dome/Greenhouse:

In 2007, eighth graders at Lincoln Middle School built a geodesic dome where the modulars had previously been located. This dome is used as a "self sustaining living classroom", meaning that it provides itself with all of its energy needs. It includes solar panels, raised outdoor planting beds and a second floor greenhouse.

Faculty and Parents Basketball Game:

Every spring, our staff and parents take part in a highly competitive basketball game. This friendly fundraiser is led by student coaches and refereed by one of our very neutral teachers! Students enjoy being on the sidelines watching the adults go head-to-head in support of our PTO who support teachers with grant-funded projects all year long.