Every Lincoln student is assigned a device that is designated exclusively for that one student’s use for the whole year. These devices are used in every step of learning and are essential tools that allow Lincoln students to be leaders of their own learning. Use of the Portland Public Schools computer network and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Misuse of computers and/or internet privileges, resulting in a violation of School Board policy and/or school rules, will result in loss of computer/internet privileges and disciplinary action as determined by district policy, school rules and building administration. Students are required to follow district policy and rules at all times and have no expectation of privacy in their use of school devices and/or wireless networks. Students and/or parents/guardians may be required to pay for damages caused by misuse, abuse or neglect.
The one-to-one computing at Lincoln comes with a high expectation of students to show respect and responsibility in their use of technology. Here are some highlights of important information about use of school devices by Lincoln students:
The devices remain, at all times, property of Portland Public School District, and must be used only by the designated student.
Devices are academic tools for learning. They are not to be used for entertainment purposes. Students are encouraged to look for new educational apps.
Inappropriate use of technology can result in the student losing technology privileges.
Students are required to sign a PPS Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy. Parents are expected to supervise the use of devices at home, including but not limited to: online storage, applications, safety of the device, and checking internet browsing history. Students may not delete their history.
Even with a Protection Plan, students may be responsible for part of the cost to repair/replace damaged devices.
Technology Take Home Privileges
- Students will take home laptops only when they have an assignment that requires the laptop.
- Students must write the assignment in their planner and get the assigned teacher’s signature (or stamp, e.g.) to verify the need for the computer.
- Homeroom teachers will refer to the planner to verify that a student is licensed to take home their computer.
- HR teachers/houses make up an accountability system that works for them.
- A student who loses their planner must replace it. No planner, no laptop at home.
- Students can stay after or come early to school to do this work, or use SLT.
- Teachers are encouraged to have students stay after or come early, and use SLT time as appropriate, for work requiring the laptop.
- Teachers should communicate with each other when questions or concerns arise to support students in following this protocol.
- As in the past, laptops ALWAYS stay at school over vacations and prior to standardized testing.