Maine law requires all students to receive the following immunizations: three polio (one after the first birthday); three DPT (diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus); rubella (German measles); mumps and measles. Additionally, the state now requires all 7th graders to provide documentation of 1 DPT or TD after age seven and one dose of Meningococcal meningitis vaccine. If your student has had the chickenpox or the varicella vaccination, please send proof of the immunity to the school nurse. If your student has been vaccinated for Covid-19, please submit their record of vaccination.
Non-immunized students are not permitted to attend school. Beginning this fall, religious and philosophical exemptions are no longer permitted. The only exceptions allowed are medical. The Superintendent and/or public health officials may exclude non-immunized students from school if there is a health threat to the student or others. Questions concerning these requirements may be addressed to the school principal or nurse.
Please see School Board policy for Immunization of Student at
Section J, for more information.