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Grading Guide Overview

Principles, targets & reporting

At Lincoln Middle School, we use a practice called proficiency-based​ ​grading​. This is a system of reporting student mastery of specific knowledge or skills. The information that students are expected to know is made very clear in the form of standards and learning targets.

A learning​ ​target is a statement that translates a standard into specific goals that the students can understand. Each standard may be broken down into multiple learning targets, and learning targets are posted in classrooms daily so that students can take ownership of their achievement and understand what they are learning and why.

Student achievement of learning targets is graded using a scale​ ​from​ ​1​ ​-​ ​4​, rather than a percentage system. This way students can focus on developing their knowledge and skills rather than achieving a certain number of points. We use two types of assessments at Lincoln:

  • Formative​ ​assessments​ ​are assessments for learning that occur at the outset of and during learning to provide students with a clear vision of learning targets and to give opportunities for feedback and improvement.
  • Summative​ ​assessments​ are assessments of learning that reflect student progress at a particular point in time, and are used to determine a student’s mastery of a long-term learning target.

A very important part of standards-based grading is that academic achievement is assessed separately from character traits. There are certain Habits​ ​of Work​ ​and​ ​Learning​ ​(HOWLs)​ which exemplify the character traits of respect, responsibility, and perseverance, which are essential to student success. We assess a student’s HOWLs separately from his or her academic achievement in order to help strengthen those character traits

Together, students and teachers build a comprehensive body of evidence that includes multiple quality assessments that offer students different methods of demonstrating proficiency. Students’ achievements are reported in the form of progress​ ​reports​ and trimester report​ ​cards​. Students also have opportunities to discuss their achievements during ​conferences​.