Students are strongly discouraged from bringing electronic devices, such as cell phones, iPods, handheld devices, etc., to school. All personal electronic devices must be turned off and put away so they are not visible. Students are NOT allowed to use these devices from 8:20 am – 2:50 pm. Electronic devices may not be used in any manner that disrupts the educational process, is illegal, or violates Board policies and/or school rules. Students who do not cooperate when asked to turn off and put away electronic devices risk disciplinary consequences, including confiscation of their electronic items.
- Students are not allowed to bring their own laptops, iPads, tablets, etc. to school for personal use unless they have permission from the principal or assistant principal.
- Students are not allowed to possess laser pointers at school and they will be confiscated.
- Lincoln and the School Department are not responsible or liable for any item that is lost, stolen or damaged.
DO NOT text or call your student on their electronic devices during school hours. If you need to reach your child, please call the Main Office at (207) 874-8145.
Please see School Board policy for Student Use of Cellular Telephones and Other Electronic Devices at,
Section J, for more information.
Please see School Board policy for Student Internet Acceptable Use and Internet Safety, Student Computer &Internet Rules and Care of School Property by Students at
Sections I and J, for more information.