The responsibility for the dress and appearance rests with the individual student and the parent(s)/guardian(s). This won’t be interfered with unless the choices being made pose health or safety risks or are disruptive to the learning process. For health and safety reasons, students are required to wear shoes or other footwear while at school or participating in school-sponsored co-curricular activities, with the exception of activities that require students to be barefooted (e.g. swimming).
The Following are some, but not all, examples of clothing that could disrupt learning:
- Clothing with statements/graphics that violate others’ civil rights.
- Clothing that references illegal behavior such as violence, drugs, sex, alcohol or tobacco.
- Clothing needs to cover undergarments.
Specific dress/attire may be deemed appropriate for a school, co-curricular, or community events:
- Expectations will be shared and taught far in advance, so school personnel can support students to know and meet these expectations.
- Students will not be excluded from participation in school activities and events.
- Students should keep in mind that the safe participation in some classes, such as Physical Education, requires appropriate dress.
Students struggling to follow these guidelines will be addressed individually and tactfully by an adult in the building. When necessary, a parent will be called to provide alternative clothing for a child whose attire is deemed inappropriate.
Physical Education Dress Code
For safety and hygiene reasons, students should dress in appropriate clothes for physical exercise. The appropriate dress code for all students in personal fitness will be as follows:
- Jogging suit, yoga pants, sweat pants, or appropriate shorts, T-shirt or sweatshirt
- Sneakers (open toed shoes, such as sandals or flip-flops, and boots are not allowed).
Compliance with other Dress Code standards described in the Student Handbook (see above) is also expected.
Please see School Board policy for Student Dress Code at
Section J, for more information.