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District Policy

Special Education Records

The Portland School Board has adopted a complete set of policies related to special education services. If you need more information, please contact the principal, your child’s teacher, or your child’s school counselor.

Bus transportation

Bus transportation is provided for middle school students who live greater than two miles from school. Special education students or students with medical needs who do not meet the distance requirement may be allowed to ride the bus under some circumstances. Masks are required for anyone riding our busses. Riding the bus is a privilege and not a right. Students who do not follow the Student Bus Conduct Code will be disciplined and risk losing their privilege to ride the bus. If this happens, parents/guardians will be responsible for transporting the student to and from school.

Please see School Board policy for Student Bus Conduct at

Section J, for more information


Fire & Emergency drills

Fire drills are required by law. Upon the first alarm, all students and staff must vacate the building immediately in a quiet and orderly manner. All alarms should be assumed to signal an actual fire or emergency. No one should re-enter the building until an administrator directs him or her to do so. Directions for evacuation are posted in each room and office. Setting off false fire alarms is illegal and endangers the safety of everyone in the building. Portland Police and Fire Departments will investigate false fire alarms and any student involved in setting off a false fire alarm will also be subject to school discipline.

Tobacco, vaping, alcohol & other drug use

Students are prohibited from selling, possessing, giving, attempting to sell, or receiving any illegal substance, look-alike drug, or drug paraphernalia. Students violating this will be subject to immediate suspension from school and school activities after due process. It may also result in a referral for expulsion. This will also result in referral to a law enforcement officer.

  • Any substance containing alcohol or that poses a health risk to students is prohibited from school grounds, at school events, or in school vehicles.
  • Any prescription drug, medicine, or other chemical including but not limited to pain relievers, diet pills, no-doze pills, depressants, and sleeping pills not taken in accordance with authorized use are not to be in school.
  • Authorized use of prescription drugs will consist of the school nurse (or a designee) administering the medicine or drug to the student in accord with a parent’s/ guardian’s written request and physician’s authorization.

Students exhibiting behaviors that may indicate drug or alcohol possession or use, will be reported to the principal and excluded from class, instructional areas, or programs in progress. The student’s parent/guardian will be notified immediately. Should the student need medical attention, MEDCU will be notified. If the student appears to be dangerous to others, police department assistance may be requested. Should the student not need medical attention and not present an imminent danger to him/herself or others, the student will be released from school in the custody of his/her parent/guardian.

Please see for more information.