Student Discipline
The Lincoln Middle School Community is dedicated to developing and sustaining an environment where all students feel like they belong. We believe it is every community member’s job to do their part to create a learning environment that is respectful, responsible, and welcoming. We are committed to the academic, social, and emotional well-being and success of our entire learning community. To help achieve this, we focus on teaching and acknowledging positive behaviors across our school and using restorative practices to address any harm that is caused in our community.
School-wide Positive Behavior Expectations
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
The Portland schools take the issue of student and staff safety very seriously. In order to maintain a safe, respectful, and orderly school environment, it is very important for students and parents/guardians to understand and follow all policies and rules governing student conduct.
These policies and rules apply to any student who is on school property, at any school-sponsored activity, or whose conduct at any time or place directly interferes with the operations, discipline, or general welfare of the school. Students can be disciplined for off-campus misconduct if their actions have a negative, direct impact on our school, programs, students, or staff.
Students who engage in any of the prohibited behaviors addressed below will be required to engage in the restorative process to acknowledge the harm caused by their actions, and develop a plan for repairing that harm. This process may also include facing the natural consequences of their actions and finding ways to rebuild trust and their relationship with the community. Depending on the severity of the incident, a student might be subject to Portland Public Schools disciplinary requirements and consequences. This could include removal from school or school sponsored events, suspension, referral to Portland Police for criminal prosecution and/or expulsion.
The School Board has adopted several policies on student conduct, which limit or prohibit specific behaviors and require specific consequences in some cases. In case of conflict between School Board policy and rules in this handbook, the most recent version of School Board policy will prevail.
Please see the following School Board policies regarding student conduct at:
Sections A, E, and J for more information:
Academic Honesty (J) Administration of Medication to Students (J) Attendance Policy K-12 (J) Bomb Threats (E) Bullying (J) Co-Curricular Activities Code of Conduct (J) Copyright Compliance (E) Drug and Alcohol Use by Students (J) Expulsion of Students (J) Harassment (A) Hazing (A) Student Absences and Excuses (J)
Student Internet Acceptable Use & Internet Safety Policy (I) Student Bus Conduct Code (J) Student Computer & Internet Use Rules (I) Student Discipline (J) Student Dress Code Student Searches (J) Student Suspension (J) Student Tobacco Policy (A) Student Use of Cellular Telephones & Other Electronic Devices (J) System-Wide Student Code of Conduct (J) Truancy (J) Weapons, Violence and School Safety (J) |
In addition to the behavior limited or prohibited by School Board policies, the following student conduct is prohibited by school rules and subject to disciplinary action:
- Aggressive behavior such as name-calling, threatening, pushing, hitting, etc. See “BULLYING”.
- Any behavior that is determined by the school administration to be dangerous or disruptive
- Breaking classroom rules
- Cheating, plagiarism, or assisting another student to cheat or plagiarize
- Computer/internet misuse
- Defying the authority of any staff member, including teachers, administrators, educational technicians, bus drivers or coaches
- Depositing on school property any stink bomb or other device or substance, which releases or is designed to release noxious, offensive odors (Criminal use of noxious substances is a Class E Crime.)
- Disorderly behavior such as shouting, running in hallways, pushing, throwing objects, littering, etc.
- Disrupting the school, classes, or the educational process
- Dressing in a manner that poses health or safety risks, or causes substantial disruption of the educational process, including gang related attire. See “DRESS CODE”.
- Electronics use, including cell phones, iPods, CD players, etc., without teacher permission and/or for something other than educational use. See “OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES”.
- Failing to return school property, such as technology, textbooks, uniforms, or library books
- Failing to satisfy assigned consequences, such as detention, quiet lunch, school service, etc.
- Fighting
- Forgery or altering school documents, records, parental notes, or passes
- Gum chewing per discretion of the teacher
- Leaving school grounds without permission
- Lying and/or providing false information to school staff
- Possession of drug/alcohol paraphernalia, such as matches or lighters
- Refusing to work
- Riding the elevator without permission. See “ELEVATOR USE”.
- Selling items without permission, such as food, candy, cards, etc.
- Setting off false fire alarms. See “FIRE DRILLS”.
- Skateboarding, scooters, in-line skates, roller shoes, etc.
- Skipping class
- Spitting, including spit wads or using any device to project saliva
- Spraying substances such as perfume, cologne, or deodorant
- Squirting containers, such as squirt guns, spray bottles, etc.
- Stealing school property or the property of others
- Swearing, foul or abusive language
- Throwing snowballs or other objects on or near school property
- Unexcused absences/tardiness to school or classes
- Vandalizing, damaging, or tampering with school property or the property of others
- Violating any law
In addition to the policies and rules outlined above, Lincoln Middle School students are expected to follow these procedures:
- If a student needs to see a teacher before 8:20 am, the student must check in at the Main Office first;
- Students who arrive at school prior to 8:05 should wait outside the building or in the cafeteria until the first bell rings in the morning. Unless students have arranged to meet with a teacher or have a scheduled club or activity to attend, they should not arrive on campus earlier than 8:20am;
- Once students arrive on school grounds, whether via bus, drop off, or walking, they are NOT permitted to leave school grounds for any reason.
- Stay to the right in hallways and on stairs;
- Eat food in the cafeteria or in classrooms under the supervision of a staff member;
- Leave school property immediately after dismissal at 2:50 pm unless staying with a teacher or for a school sponsored club or activity.
No student should be afraid to come to school because of bullying, and no parent should be worried that their child may be bullied. Bullying in any hurtful or aggressive act toward a person or group of people. Bullying behaviors include insults, threats, name-calling, put-downs, spreading rumors, making fun of people, hitting, and kicking, to name a few. Some acts of bullying break laws when they involve extortion, battery, sexual harassment or hate behaviors. Bullying is cruel, disrespectful and not allowed at Lincoln Middle School. Any member of the school community should feel free to report bullying without fear of retaliation for reporting. Students who bully others can expect inevitable and escalating consequences.
Please see School Board policy for Bullying, Harassment/Sexual Harassment and the System-Wide Code of Conduct at
Sections A and J, for more information.