Activities, clubs and sports
Lincoln offers many co-curricular activities and all students are encouraged to participate in one or more activities. Examples of clubs and activities include, but are not limited to: Civil Rights Team, Drama Club, Math Team, SAGA, Yearbook, and sports teams. We challenge every Lincoln student to become involved in at least one co-curricular activity or club each year. Be part of LMS by getting involved!
Students must have a physical examination every two years in order to participate in school-sponsored athletic programs. The two-year period MUST include the ENTIRE SEASON of the sport(s) the student is playing. Evidence of a physical exam must be signed by a health care provider and given to school staff before a student will be allowed to participate.
Below are interscholastic sports offered at the 7th and 8th grade levels. Sports in which sixth grade students can participate are marked with an asterisk (*). Sixth grade students may not participate in any other 7th or 8th grade sport. These are guidelines set forth in the Middle School Constitution of the Southern Maine Middle School League and as a member of this league Lincoln Middle School must adhere to these guidelines.
Soccer* |
Basketball* |
Baseball |
Cross Country* |
Indoor Track* |
Softball |
Field Hockey |
Swimming* |
Outdoor Track* |
Tennis* |
Wrestling* |
Volleyball* |
All students participating in athletics at Lincoln Middle School must ride on the team bus to and from athletic contests/events (site to site). However, students may be transported from a game by parents/guardians. Should a responsible adult other than a parent/guardian provide transportation from a game, a note from the parent/guardian must be presented to the coach at least two days in advance of the actual date of the transport. Or, in case of an emergency a parent may sign a release, which coaches have available at each event.
Sign-ups for activities are published in our Daily Bulletin and can be accessed from our web site at Students who participate in co-curricular activities must abide by the Co-Curricular Activities Code of Conduct.
A reminder about guidelines to maintain everyone’s safety when attending events in our gym:
- No food or drink is to be brought into the gym;
- The area under the bleachers is off limits;
- The basketball court and stage are off limits at all times; and
- Conduct yourself in a manner that is respectful to the players, coaches and spectators and that respects property, space and rights of others at all times.
Failure by any student to abide by these guidelines will result in that student being told to leave the gym and school property.
Students will not be allowed to attend or participate in any co-curricular activities under the following circumstances:
- If a student misses any portion of a school day with an unexcused absence.
- If a student is suspended from school (both in-school and out of school suspension).
- If the event/activity is directly after school and a student has been assigned a detention by the office or a teacher, the detention takes precedence over the activity and must be served before the student can participate in co-curricular activities.
- If a student does not take and pass a full middle school schedule of classes each marking period.
- If a student earns a HOWL score of 1 for Respect, Responsibility, or Perseverance in any class.
The Principal or his/her designee is responsible for certifying the eligibility of all students participating in athletic and co-curricular activities. (See Flow chart below)
Please see School Board policy for Co-Curricular Activities & Extracurricular Activities at
Section J, for more information.