School hours for 2022-2023 are 8:20 am- 2:50 pm.
Students are considered late to school after 8:20am. Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school office before 8:00am if their child will be absent or tardy. Parents may call (207)874-8145 or email the attendance secretary at to report absences and tardies.
Regular and punctual school and class attendance are essential to a student’s educational success. Students are expected to attend school every day unless they have an excused absence.
Excused absences are defined by Maine law and School Board policy as follows:
Personal illness;
An appointment with a health professional that must be made during the school day;
Observance of a religious holiday when the observance is required during the regular school day;
A family emergency; and
A pre-arranged absence for a personal or educational purpose which has been approved in advance by the school
Educational disruption as defined in Maine law.
Absences for other reasons are considered unexcused and may result in disciplinary consequences. A sixth grade student is considered habitually truant if s/he has 7 full days of unexcused absences or 5 consecutive school days of unexcused absences during a school year. A seventh or eighth grade student is considered habitually truant if s/he has 10 full days of unexcused absences or 7 consecutive school days of unexcused absences during a school year. Habitual truants will be reported to the Superintendent of Schools and Portland Police; parents may be fined if the problem is not corrected.
Late Arrival
It is also important for students to arrive at school and in classes on time. Students who arrive after school starts must report to the Main Office with a signed note/or a phone call from a parent/guardian explaining why they are late. Tardiness is excused for the same reasons as absences – see above. Unexcused tardies may result in detention or other disciplinary consequences. Students who arrive at school after 8:20 are considered late and must sign in at the main office.
Student Dismissal
No student is permitted to leave school during the school day without permission of the principal or her designee and the student’s parent/guardian. Parents should send a written note to school on the morning of the day when their child must leave early. (Note: It is difficult to get students during lunch time and, therefore, recommended that students being dismissed at lunch time bring a note and get a dismissal slip from the Main Office in the morning.) To ensure the safety of students, we will release a student only to parents, legal guardians, and persons who are specifically authorized in writing by parents/legal guardians to pick up the student. If a student does not have a note from a parent/guardian, the parent/guardian or authorized person must come in and sign the student out in the Main Office. The principal has the authority to deny release of students to unknown or unauthorized persons.
Please see School Board policy for Student Absences & Excuses, Attendance, Truancy, & Student Dismissal Precautions at
Section J, for more information.