Backpacks, bookbags, textbook carriers
For this school year, the use of backpacks, bookbags, textbook carriers, nylon drawstring sports packs, etc. will be allowed during the school day. Students will work with their teachers to help plan what essential materials will be required during the school day; teachers will encourage students to leave all unnecessary supplies at home.
Bicycles, skateboards, scooters, in-line skates, etc.
Students who ride bicycles to school must park them in the racks provided. Bicycles should be locked when not in use. Because of potential injuries and lack of adequate storage, students may not bring to school or use on school grounds skateboards, scooters, in-line skates, roller skates or any similar item. The school is not responsible if a bicycle, skateboard, scooter, etc. is lost, stolen or damaged.
Meal plans
Breakfast is available to all students, free of charge, at the start of the school day. Lunch is also available, free of charge, during the designated grade level lunch times. All students are expected to follow our school-wide behavior expectations while eating lunch in their Lions’ Pride areas. Students who do not behave in a safe, responsible, and respectful manner may not be allowed to eat with their peers. There will be designated areas for students who need a peanut free zone to eat.
Students who wish to attend a school dance must obey the following guidelines. Failure to comply will result in the student(s) being excluded from the dance and diminish the chances that another school dance will be held.
All policies and school rules published in this handbook apply to school dances, including the dress code.
Being allowed to attend a school dance is a privilege, not a right. Students who have been suspended out-of-school prior to the first dance (or between dances) will be allowed to attend school dances only if they have sufficiently repaired and maintained the repair of their relationships with the school and their learning community. A student who is suspended out-of-school during the week of a dance is not eligible to attend the dance. If there is a question about student eligibility to attend a dance, the principal and/or assistant principal will determine the student’s status.
Lincoln Middle School dances are open to Lincoln Middle School students only.
Students must be present in school on the day of the dance in order to attend the dance (excused tardiness or approved dismissal – not for illness – are the only exceptions).
If a student has paid to go to the dance and has an excused absence the day of the dance, money will be refunded the following school day. Refunds not collected by students on that day will be deposited as a contribution to the school. No other monies will be refunded.
Each student may purchase one ticket prior to the dance at the time of sign-up. No tickets will be sold at the door and students who have not signed-up and paid ahead of time will not be allowed to enter the dance.
Students must use the designated doors in the rear of the building to enter and leave the dance.
Once inside the dance, students must stay until the end of the dance. Students are not allowed to wander the building. Only designated restrooms in the immediate dance area will be used.
Running in the dance area or other inappropriate behaviors are not allowed during the dance, including sexually explicit or suggestive behavior, including bumping or grinding. Students are expected to conduct themselves with integrity at all times throughout the evening.
Arrangements for rides home must be made before the dance. There are no school phones available before, during or following the dance.
If a student has to leave the dance early, a note from a parent/guardian granting permission must be presented to a school administrator. A parent/guardian must be at Lincoln Middle School to pick-up the student.
Students will be required to leave the dance if their actions have violated any of our policies or rules and the principal or assistant principal will call parents immediately. Additional consequences may follow.