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A Note To Students And Parents/Guardians

Students and parents/guardians are responsible for reading and following the rules and policies in this handbook. This handbook has been developed within the framework of the Portland School Board Policy Manual. In case of conflict between School Board policy and the rules in this handbook, the most recent version of School Board policy will prevail. The school administration reserves the unlimited right to make changes in the handbook without prior notice. The handbook is provided solely for the convenience of students, parents and staff, and the Portland Public Schools, to the extent permissible by law, expressly disclaims any liability which may otherwise be incurred. Questions and comments about the handbook may be addressed to the school counselors, assistant principal or principal.

Rules and policies apply to any student who is on school property, who is in attendance at school or at any school-sponsored activity, or whose conduct at any time or place directly interferes with the operations, discipline, or general welfare of the school. Student discipline for inappropriate behavior will be handled according to our school wide discipline plan. This plan includes consequences that are predictable, inevitable and escalating, and consequences may be more severe than listed based on the severity of the behavior. More information is available in the “CONDUCT CODE” section of this handbook. This plan, which currently includes consequences that are escalating in nature, will be under review and revision this year with the goal of creating more opportunities for collaborative problem solving and restorative practices at the classroom, house, and main office level. Consequences may be different than listed based on the severity of the behavior.