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Houses & Lions Pride Advisory

The entire student body of Lincoln Middle School is divided into two houses, or academic teams, named per grade level. When students enroll at Lincoln, they are placed into one of these houses and remain in that house for their 2 years through 6th and 7th grade. In 8th grade, teams are reshuffled and students will be placed in one of two 8th grade houses.

Houses are further subdivided into Lions Prides. A pride is a base group of approximately 12-15 students. The Pride structure provides each student with a one-to-one relationship with a Lion’s Pride teacher - an adult advisor - at the school, as well as a consistent and ongoing small-scale peer community. Prides meet twice a week to build community, share in common experiences and deliver school-wide announcements. Parents are encouraged to be in contact with their student’s Lions Pride teacher with any general concerns.

Principles, Targets & Reporting

At Lincoln Middle School, we use a practice called proficiency-based grading. Standards-based grading is a system of reporting student mastery of specific knowledge or skills. The information that students are expected to know is made very clear in the form of standards and learning targets.